GOP2020: What Becomes Of The Collaborators Post-Trump?

Charles Johnson on Little Green Footballs yesterday:

"Why I Parted Ways With The Right

Mon, Nov 30, 2009 at 6:49:45 pm PST

1. Support for fascists, both in America (see: Pat Buchanan, Robert Stacy McCain, etc.) and in Europe (see: Vlaams Belang, BNP, SIOE, Pat Buchanan, etc.)

2. Support for bigotry, hatred, and white supremacism (see: Pat Buchanan, Ann Coulter, Robert Stacy McCain, Lew Rockwell, etc.)

3. Support for throwing women back into the Dark Ages, and general religious fanaticism (see: Operation Rescue, anti-abortion groups, James Dobson, Pat Robertson, Tony Perkins, the entire religious right, etc.)

4. Support for anti-science bad craziness (see: creationism, climate change denialism, Sarah Palin, Michele Bachmann, James Inhofe, etc.)

5. Support for homophobic bigotry (see: Sarah Palin, Dobson, the entire religious right, etc.)

6. Support for anti-government lunacy (see: tea parties, militias, Fox News, Glenn Beck, etc.)

7. Support for conspiracy theories and hate speech (see: Alex Jones, Rush Limbaugh, Glenn Beck, Birthers, creationists, climate deniers, etc.)

8. A right-wing blogosphere that is almost universally dominated by raging hate speech (see: Hot Air, Free Republic, Ace of Spades, etc.)

9. Anti-Islamic bigotry that goes far beyond simply criticizing radical Islam, into support for fascism, violence, and genocide (see: Pamela Geller, Robert Spencer, etc.)

10. Hatred for President Obama that goes far beyond simply criticizing his policies, into racism, hate speech, and bizarre conspiracy theories (see: witch doctor pictures, tea parties, Birthers, Michelle Malkin, Fox News, World Net Daily, Newsmax, and every other right wing source)

And much, much more. The American right wing has gone off the rails, into the bushes, and off the cliff.

I won’t be going over the cliff with them."

Wow, the scales have fallen from the eyes of the head honcho at "Little Green Footballs"?

That's going to disappoint at least one of our house right-wingers, who had an been an eager participant there in the past.

mfpark, I hear you in terms of what we Northeastern libs believe. I lived in Marshalls Creek PA during the 80's and my NJ family is very blue-collar-white -flight-from-Newark-in the-late-50's. My ex lives in Grand Rapids MI. This experience is part of my resignation. I can only talk to an increasingly narrow circle of friends and colleagues.

It's like back in the day when you tried to find out if that new friend smoked weed. You tip-toe around the topic of politics to see if you've got an ally or someone from outer space who's going to turn into a lizard creature. Maybe that's a bit extreme.:shocked:

enjoyed the list, lurker.

Then there's Cheney, who's been nasty and pissed off since Nixon. He just won't go away. What an awful awful man. And Republicans own him.

"They won’t dare say this publicly. But Republicans in key messaging roles are privately voicing serious frustration with Dick Cheney’s ability to win media attention for his national security attacks on President Obama, claiming the attention is making it easier for the White House and Dems to mock GOP views as “cartoonish” and the stuff of “caricature.”
This is a particularly timely problem right now, with Obama about to announce his war plan and Republicans preparing to offer general support for the Commander in Chief.
One senior Congressional aide said Cheney’s use of words like “dithering” and “weakness” to describe Obama made it easier for Dems to portray GOP criticism of Obama as hostile and untempered."

Posted By: lurkerThe American right wing has gone off the rails, into the bushes, and off the cliff.

And there it is right there. That is the difference between what is happening now and what's happened before. People on the right are fed up with what's happening. I'm not just pulling this out of thin air.

But that's not me talking, that's not MY list!

That's f**king Charles Johnson people!!! The man who invented the looniest wingnut website on the right! It's like... like... Howard Dean renouncing membership in the Democratic party. No, no, it's like FDR coming back from the dead to renounce the New Deal.

Help me out here, nohero.

Posted By: lurkerThat's f**kingCharles Johnsonpeople!!! The man who invented the looniest wingnut website on the right! It's like... like... Howard Dean renouncing membership in the Democratic party. No, no, it's like FDR coming back from the dead to renounce the New Deal.

Help me out here, nohero.
You're doing okay, no need for my help. :thumbup:

I thought Charles Johnson was the catcher the Dodgers got for Mike Piazza.

Well this thread has me pondering the following:

If one hits the ball into the stands but there is no one there to see it is it still a home run?

I'm with mfpark here - the right wing loony-train isn't going off the rails because it's never been on the rails, and what's happening now is not markedly different than anything we've seen since 1994, when I think things took a decided turn for the worse (though it was still a turn in the dominant direction.) (I think the one thing that's kind of different is the tea party-type rallies, but not much else.)

What is happening now that is crazier than Terri Schiavo? Or endlessly investigating Clinton for Whitewater? Or impeaching him for chrissakes? If a party can withstand impeaching a President for the reasons they did, they can withstand pretty much anything.

What we're seeing is the inevitable flare-up that happens when the in-party gets thrown out. (well, inevitable when it's the Repubs - the Dems don't seem to know how to falre up.)

Posted By: drummerboyWhat is happening now that is crazier than Terri Schiavo?

I think Terri (2005) crowd is part of the current madness. No armed and angry public mobs gathering momentum in 90's. I think this current climate is exceptional and down 'n out white working class is being exploited and egged on by demagogues more extreme than Newt and his gang of Contract with America thugs.

Posted By: drummerboythe right wing loony-train isn't going off the rails because it's never been on the rails, and what's happening now is not markedly different than anything we've seen since 1994

But it is. The looniness now has a racial element to it. And, frankly, the mobs seem to have gotten dumber. Then again, we've added Glenn Beck and Sarah Palin to the mix.

Newt, the Contract for America, Clinton's impeachment was all political; it was all about getting Republicans back into power. What is happening now is different because the Republican party is divided over what it means to be a Republican. Newt is now one of the moderate Republican voices.

Like GL2 said, Terri Schiavo was just an appetizer.

The purity test continues to satisfy...ah, sweet dissension:

Washington (CNN) – An ally of Republican National Committee chairman Michael Steele claimed Tuesday that the so-called "purity test" being circulated by some RNC members is a publicity stunt designed to "stick it" to Steele after he defeated other candidates for the chairmanship in last January's election.

"You've got a few backbenchers who are unhappy," said Shawn Steel, an RNC member from California and one of the chairman's top supporters on the committee. "They don't have the power they once had under the previous chairman, and that's what motivating this. This is an attempt to stick it to Chairman Steele by the losers."

Posted By: drummerboyWhat is happening now that is crazier than Terri Schiavo? Or endlessly investigating Clinton for Whitewater? Or impeaching him for chrissakes? If a party can withstand impeaching a President for the reasons they did, they can withstand pretty much anything.

I think it's certifiably crazier.

now add the sheer volume of "information" thrown at the average Republican via the internet and the opinions spoon-fed him via cable tv and you've just made it supereasy for a crazy moron to feel intelligent and important.
when whackos find more whackos they feel validated and form a whole whacko organization.
and that's trouble, in my book.

Posted By: ktc... And, frankly, the mobs seem to have gotten dumber....

don't forget lazier!

they're content to let others do the thinkin' for them; letting others "articulate" the vague crazy that has been laying about their "brains" for some time, feeding it back to them via cable tv and then patting them on the back for "getting it."

this is why I avoid mobs.

But the Republicans have really mastered the art of appealing to those who are most harmed by their policies.

Those 'mobs' you see on TV, screaming about socialism this and Obama that, are, by and large, lower income, working poor people. They might actually be helped by some Democratic policies, and harmed by Republican tax cuts targeted at the rich.

Yet they vote Republican.

Lookee here:

from a discussion of the Salahi incident in the Wapo yesterday:

"...the Secret Service has been bowing to pressure by some protectees such as Mary Cheney, Dick Cheney's daughter, who insisted that agents take her friends to restaurants. That is not the job of the Secret Service, and when agents refused she got her detail leader removed by Secret Service management."

Got that? Secret Service not only is chauffering Mary, it's chauffering Mary's friends to restaurants.

Way to suck from the public teat, girl.

Do these people (Cheneys) have no self respect? Guess not.

lars..."and that's trouble" that starts with T and ryhmes with C and that stands for Crazy!

Posted By: TaureanBut the Republicans have really mastered the art of appealing to those who are most harmed by their policies.

Those 'mobs' you see on TV, screaming about socialism this and Obama that, are, by and large, lower income, working poor people. They might actually be helped by some Democratic policies, and harmed by Republican tax cuts targeted at the rich.

Yet they vote Republican.

The dark genius of the Radical Right is summed up here. I've got to believe that Atwater-style evildoers like Rove, combined with Nixon-era chip-on-the-shoulder guys like Cheney and Rummy, are secretly laughing at these Bible-thumping yahoos with their placards and costumes: the classic and divisive game of Let's You and Them Fight.

while I definitely think there's a racial component to what's going on now (really, how couuld there not be?) it's not a fundamental part of it. organizationally we're seeing some different things, with the tea party demonstrations and the town hall disruptions, but I think that's mostly attributable to the fact that they're completely out of power (in their minds, anyway) for the first time in almost a generation.

It's important to understand the two tiers at work here. The lower tier (the schlubs who go to town halls and make asses of themselves) are just being manipulated differently by the upper tier (the money guys who fund all of the astro-turf and other right-wing organizations). The upper tier is the elite, the guys who were in the inner circle of power while the Repubs were running things. When they were in the inner circle, they didn't need the schlubs to do very much other than vote, so they were mostly in maintenance mode.

Now that they're out of power, they need to get more pro-active and rile up the rabble. In the Clinton years, they could mostly avoid going to the schlubs because they had subpeona power in Congress, so they could very easily and directly obstruct Clinton. They don't have those tools now, so they have to move down to the schlubs.

It's all the same sh** though. It may look a bit different, but the smell is the same.

drummerboy has a speck of truth regarding the division within the GOP. While the party doesn't neatly divide between these two groups, to oversimplify a bit is you've got country clubbers from the Rockefeller Wing and then Social Conservatives. The elites in the Rockefeller wing (they are characterized most notably by the fact that they lose national elections) resent social conservatives as rubes and hicks who hurt the party but are necessary to win national elections.

They mobilized those hicks to get Bush elected with his conservative platforms (which didn't necessarily translate into policy) and when he won, they set up their own moderate/centrist/'permanent majority' BS which ultimately led to their loss of power. They still pull all the levers in DC and are trying to mobilize the rubes to get back what they lost. The rubes are on to those elite faces that are familiar to them and are trying to toss them out of leadership roles.

So is the GOP headed for being the party of the social conservatives and only the social conservatives? Where will the elite, non-hicks -- fiscal conservatives who want to stay out of your bedroom -- end up?

There seems to be a big opening here for centrist or fiscal Republicans to team up with the Blue Dogs to make a third party. And it would probably look a lot like the Republican party of the 50s - 70s.

Posted By: tomWhere will the elite, non-hicks -- fiscal conservatives who want to stay out of your bedroom -- end up?

Exactly. And, unlike before, they now have a leader: Sarah Palin. She was the party's VP candidate and she's got mojo. Enough to knock out the centrist fiscally conservative Republican in upstate NY which gave the Democrats an extra house seat in a district that's voted Republican since the dawn of man. That was only a prelude to what's coming.

Now add in changing demographics, where the country overall is getting less white and religious. Both sides of the divided GOP don't have much appeal to African-Americans, hispanics, women, young people and gay people.

Where do conservatives like Charles Johnson go now?

Agree with most except for "Rockefeller wing." I think these puppeteers are way right of Rockefeller wing and actually out to purge party of NE moderate Repubs.

tom, toss in the libertarians, who have brains and support broad freedoms even as they would strip support networks for folks who can't fend for themselves.

Posted By: tomSo is the GOP headed for being the party of the social conservatives and only the social conservatives? Where will the elite, non-hicks -- fiscal conservatives who want to stay out of your bedroom -- end up?

There seems to be a big opening here for centrist or fiscal Republicans to team up with the Blue Dogs to make a third party. And it would probably look a lot like the Republican party of the 50s - 70s.

I would support such a party.

-and how DO you do that green thingy?

Posted By: GL2Agree with most except for "Rockefeller wing." I think these puppeteers are way right of Rockefeller wing and actually out to purge party of NE moderate Repubs.

The neocons and what's-is-name Norquist.

The neocons and what's-is-name Norquist.

Grover: like the muppet! :wink:

When the going gets tough, ...

The Arkansas coordinator for Mike Huckabee's political action committee resigned Tuesday in part because the former governor granted clemency to a man who is suspected of murdering four police officers in Washington state. It was a volunteer position.

"My departure was with a heavy heart but was done after serious prayer and consideration," James Tolbert wrote on his blog. "Some have asked about the timing. As most could imagine, the recent news of the last two days along with the response did play a role in this decision but was not the sole factor."

**"They might actually be helped by some Democratic policies, and harmed by Republican tax cuts targeted at the rich."**

Taurean, I can't believe all the crap you guys are putting out here. Why don't you start thinking about your own party rather than trying to figure out the right. Go ahead, keep talking all your nonsense; because in 2010, the left (and everything else you're calling yourselves now) are going to get a big ass whipping... :clap:

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