Where to recycle #5 kitty litter containers (Whole Foods only takes small #5s)

Tomcat uses kitty litter containers at his greenhouse but he now has enough so I need to recycle them. 

Whole Foods takes #5s but only the small ones so where can I take these?


Rather than recycling, think re-purposing.  Does anyone need a sturdy storage container?  What about a re-usable container they can put out for recycling each week?  If the container has a handle, it can be used for holding a cleaning solution for mopping.  If no handle, it could make a good waste basket.  The possibilities are endless.

Do you have the bucket kind or the large jugs?

Gimme5, the recycling program that has a collection site at Whole Foods, doesn't seem to have a size restriction.  I'm assuming that the litter tub doesn't fit in the Gimme5 container.  I wonder if you could simply cut the litter tub so that the pieces fit into the Gimme5 container.  If you like that idea, how about giving them a call to see if that would be acceptable?:  https://www.preserve.eco/pages/gimme5-what-we-accept  Alternatively, you can mail them recyclables, but you have to pay for the postage.  

These are the large bucket type with handles.....When we took them to Whole Foods they said they do not take them only the small ones. I just contacted Gimme 5 so waiting for reply.  


Are these like the Homer buckets at Home Depot?

Steve said:

Are these like the Homer buckets at Home Depot?

 Bucket with handle & lid.  Footprint is rectangular; they hold about 0.75 CFT.

Throw it up on SOMA Swap for free.  It'll be gone in a flash.

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