Where do SOMA teens hang out?

We recently adopted an absolutely amazing 19 year old boy and he moved from NYC to Maplewood. He doesn't know anyone in NJ and is wondering where to meet other kids.

If anyone has any ideas, I'd love to hear! Also, if you know any older teens that might want a new friend... please let me know! Thanks!

It really depends on what he likes and what he is looking for. He may have aged out of the younger an d be toying of re next level but I can think of two local churches at least with very active youth gourds and young peoples groups. They probably start up after Labor Day. Rent Party is a monthly event - maybe go, maybe volunteer? The Reservation hiking group is older but may be a start to go and see who else shows up with a similar interest, if he likes the outdoors activities. Library has reading and movie groups I think. Take a class at an area school- Adult school, county community, Drew, FD, SHU? A local job like as a waiter make meet others of an age. There will be hundreds of College age at SHU shortly.

Sports:Bring a frisbee or basketball to Memorial/ Cameron or other parks? Hang a sign on tennis court? looking for a single game?

Gotta start somewhere. . .

Live music venues, maybe? If he's into a certain group or type of music there may be ways to meet other fans. I guess a lot of them are bars but there may be some other options.

Jersey Club Sports could be a good option, I know there are a lot of socia activities with the teams too

Maybe a nearby gym with pickup games? Is he looking to do any continuing ed? That would probably be the best bet, or if he gets a job with other late teen-aged employees.....

I wish I had other suggestions but I just wanted to say how wonderful it is you've done this! So many kids fall through the cracks at this age, you've quite likely saved this boy's life.

afa said:
Maybe a nearby gym with pickup games? Is he looking to do any continuing ed? That would probably be the best bet, or if he gets a job with other late teen-aged employees.....

I wish I had other suggestions but I just wanted to say how wonderful it is you've done this! So many kids fall through the cracks at this age, you've quite likely saved this boy's life.


There's a pick-up soccer game most evenings in Maplecrest park.

Ha, ha... If my daughter's behavior provides any indication, he needs to get himself on Instagram.

Basketball at the Baird Center?

Does he play Xbox 360 (there's a whole online community) or a musical instrument? Was he ever into scouting?

Even though he's 19, will he be going to Columbia? Or another school option, or work force?

What about him getting a job at a place frequented by his age group? Restaurant/ ice cream/ etc?

I have a 17 year old. He and his friends are 17 and 18 years of age. They work out at the gym. They go over each others homes and backyards. They hang in MW Village or SO Village at various coffee shops and sit in free space areas. They go to the beach. They watch Netflix. They game. They SnapChat. They go to local diners, Five Guys and Chipotle. They may catch a party locally. They may search for soccer pick up games at one of the local parks. There really isn't a central location for hanging out. From what I've noted (we have a 14 year old boy as well), it's pretty fluid.

Edited to add that my 17 year also volunteers. This is a good way to meet teens his age and share something in common. If he can't find a job this late in the season, volunteering may work for him.

KristinK100K said:
We recently adopted an absolutely amazing 19 year old boy and he moved from NYC to Maplewood. He doesn't know anyone in NJ and is wondering where to meet other kids.

If anyone has any ideas, I'd love to hear! Also, if you know any older teens that might want a new friend... please let me know! Thanks!

Hmmm. Could be a tough one. He is college age. Depending on when his birthday is (did he JUST turn 19, or will he be 20 shortly?) he could be in the position of a rising freshman, sophomore, or Junior in college. What 17-year-olds do could be irrelevant. Will he be involved in a college, trade school, or some other educational setting? If so, perhaps there are facebook groups he can join that will connect him with others who will be in the same setting in the fall. He can then try to arrange meet-ups. Even if it is not an educational setting, whatever his involvement is, I would suggest finding the facebook group for it and taking it from there.

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