WARNIG!!!!! Sugar substitute toxic to dogs!!!!!

In other words, don't give your dog anything containing the "sugar-free" additive Xylitol, as this is highly toxic to dogs.

Xylitol can be found in sugar-free gum and some candies (which some dogs might pull out of a bag and eat accidentally) and other products as an artificial sweetener INCLUDING some makes of PEANUT BUTTER. I emphasize that because peanut butter is normally a great treat for dogs.

It can cause a dangerous surge of insulin in dogs, and if you think your dog has ingested something containing Xylitol, take them IMMEDIATELY to a vet to purge the toxin.

So please guys, don't leave your gum or candies lying around where dogs can find them. Dogs like sweet things and while they may be smart, they aren't too discerning. 

Some dental flosses now contain xylitol - according to my dentist, it seems to protect against cavities (or maybe plaque, can't recall which).  But if you have a dog that likes to nose through your trash basket, watch out when disposing of this type of dental floss, too. I don't have xylitol in the house, but my granddaughter brings it in with gums and candy. The reaction of a dog's body to xylitol ingestion is very quick and very severe.


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