too early to plant?

Is it too early to plant bushes/plants? When's a good time?

most people say Mother's Day but we usually plant mid-April and it's always been fine

How about for lawn reseeding?

"Carter's Rules"

Prune the rose bushes when Forsythia blooms.

Plant new shrubs, shortly there after.

Lawn reseeding is best done in the fall but, you gotta to what you gotta do.

Plant annuals and most veggies around Mother's Day.

If you break these rules, you may need to cover some of your plants with a sheet some nights!

Some veggies that might go a little earlier:

Spinach, Chard, Lettuce, Radishes, Kale, Peas

Best Regards,

Ron Carter

Ron, thanks for the great timing guidelines, adaptable to Wisconsin too. I'll just sub Memorial Day for Mother's Day, and go with it.

Enjoy your garden season!

Yeah, I did it in fall too, but alas, dog and kids.

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