Temporary Storage?

Does anyone have experience with temporary "pod" like storage units? I need to move all of the furniture out of the first floor for a floor refinish and it seems like one possibility. Would I need a permit for it to have it in the driveway for one week? Any recommendations for two guys and a van type movers in the area? TIA.

We're in Maplewood. We had a POD in our driveway for about 10 months after a flood wiped out our basement and much of what was in it. Everything that wasn't ruined was in the POD until the necessary repairs/remodeling was competed.

This was in 2010. We did not need a permit. The POD comes in on a large truck and can't be turned, so it goes up the driveway and that's it. No choice as to where you might like it. Watch out for low-lying branches on overhanging trees. We lost some of the lower branches as it was delivered/removed.

Can't help you with movers, but the POD company was very helpful, responsive and we were happy with the service and the product. Good luck!

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