Windows 10 is going away

Today I received a notice from Microsoft that they will stop updating Windows 10 in October 2025 and I should upgrade to Windows 11.  Not only that, but I will also need to buy a new computer.  What?

Depending on how old your computer is, you may be able to install Windows 11 on it even if it doesn't meet the official requirements. I'm getting ready to try it myself.

Even if you get a message that the computer will not support windows 11?

joan_crystal said:

Even if you get a message that the computer will not support windows 11?

The short answer is sure!. 

The long answer is that if you ask me Microsoft should not have been able to get away with this nonsense. Most recent vintage computers can run, and are running, 11 just fine. The only real issues going forward for these users is possible support issues with Microsoft. As far as I can find out, Microsoft is still pushing updates out to all Win 11 pc's, regardless if they are "supported" or not. Not sure what will happen if you were to call MS for Windows support though. Could they deny to help you? Maybe. Haven't seen reports of this happening yet.

The problem here is that it does require you to have technical know-how a bit beyond that of the average user to actually do the install. But it's not that hard and there are a lot of how-to's out there. You do need to do some research first though.

drummerboy said:

The short answer is sure!. 

The long answer is that if you ask me Microsoft should not have been able to get away with this nonsense. Most recent vintage computers can run, and are running, 11 just fine. The only real issues going forward for these users is possible support issues with Microsoft. As far as I can find out, Microsoft is still pushing updates out to all Win 11 pc's, regardless if they are "supported" or not. Not sure what will happen if you were to call MS for Windows support though. Could they deny to help you? Maybe. Haven't seen reports of this happening yet.

The problem here is that it does require you to have technical know-how a bit beyond that of the average user to actually do the install. But it's not that hard and there are a lot of how-to's out there. You do need to do some research first though.

Thank you.

Go ahead and tell me I'm wrong, but I'm sure, somewhere along the line, it has to do with paving the way for expanding AI.  (THAT'S what I think should be outlawed, but I'm a throwback, I know.)   If you watched "60 Minutes" yesterday, you learned that combat weapons will be able to be programmed to attack the wrong side ... oh what fun!  (Now, can someone tell me why the "I" in "If" is showing up in italics?)

DB:  Isn't my computer already on Windows 11? or am I just exposing even more of my technological ignorance?  I know they just did an update in the last day -- which means I'll be ready to throw my laptop out the window any time now....

Well, I don't want to say you're wrong, but it doesn't appear to have anything to do with AI. It's mostly about security and stability, according to Microsoft.

And yes, you're on 11.

Pretty sure i'm still on 10, but have received updates fairly recently?  They keep nagging me to change to 11, but "update" and "upgrade" are cuss words to me, though i realize i'll have to switch by the time they stop supporting 10.

db, in the original post above, is 2025 correct?  Still more than a year from now?

October 14, 2025 to be precise.

And 10 is not actually going away, just not being updated after that date (unless you pay Microsoft). It will still function, but be less secure. And there's a decent possibility MS will push the date if enough people aren't updated to 11 in time.

I too had a computer that was not compatible with 11, but it had other issues (battery) so I opted to buy a new machine (Lenovo Yoga). And I'm glad I did--once I got past the learning curve, 11 has new features that are useful.

Yeah, I've got 11 running on a couple of machines and I do like it. Just annoyed that MS is trying to force people to buy new hardware when it's not really necessary.

not to mention their incessant demands to keep everything in Onedrive...

Oh man. Don't get me started. One day recently I found that the contents of my documents and pictures folders had been moved (not copied, but moved) to onedrive. With no notice. at first I freaked because all I saw was that everything was deleted from my local drive. I finally figured out what happened and I copied everything back. Made for an unpleasant day.

how does Microsoft have the right to delete personal files from my computer?

**** bill gates.

I hear you on that! I once found personal files in my Onedrive shared for work--where my coworkers could have accessed them.

Onedrive is a convenient capability, I won't deny that. It's helped me on more than one occasion because I regularly use multiple computers. It's just very hard to control. And deleting stuff from my PC with no warning is just unacceptable.

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