Where’s Nancy?

I’m not even going to comment on that perpetually insulting thread, as I think this is serious enough not to have its own discussion, instead of ending up in the other thread. 
An attack on the spouse of the third person in line to the presidency, by a radicalized MAGAT who was actually looking to kill the third person in line to the presidency can not be labeled as “crime is everywhere” . The Republican Party says they are the party of law and order….Well if their party does not condemn this act of violence on Mr. Pelosi then they are definitely not for what they say stand for. It is breathtaking how heartless and callous anyone would have to be to dismiss this horrendous attack on an old man in the middle of the night, regardless of who he is, let alone on the spouse of the Speaker of the House, as “crime happening to everyone” as though it just supports their righteous political cause. To echo what has been said so often here, just when we think they can’t sink any lower, they blast a new hole. I’m willing to bet if the tables were reversed, their tune would be quite different. What trumpenstein has done to this country is quite frightening actually, if I was so religious as the MAGATs are I would think he’s the anti-Christ.

The MAGAs will deny responsibility for the role their violent rhetoric and demonization of Nancy Pelosi played in this. They will say the attacker was mentally ill. And the news media (even the so-called "mainstream") will almost certainly promote that narrative. 

Jaytee said:

I’m not even going to comment on that perpetually insulting thread, as I think this is serious enough not to have its own discussion, instead of ending up in the other thread. 
An attack on the spouse of the third person in line to the presidency, by a radicalized MAGAT who was actually looking to kill the third person in line to the presidency can not be labeled as “crime is everywhere” . The Republican Party says they are the party of law and order….Well if their party does not condemn this act of violence on Mr. Pelosi then they are definitely not for what they say stand for. It is breathtaking how heartless and callous anyone would have to be to dismiss this horrendous attack on an old man in the middle of the night, regardless of who he is, let alone on the spouse of the Speaker of the House, as “crime happening to everyone” as though it just supports their righteous political cause. To echo what has been said so often here, just when we think they can’t sink any lower, they blast a new hole. I’m willing to bet if the tables were reversed, their tune would be quite different. What trumpenstein has done to this country is quite frightening actually, if I was so religious as the MAGATs are I would think he’s the anti-Christ.

Thank you for starting this thread. I couldn't even find the words yesterday, and the title is perfect as those were the words that struck the loudest chord. Each time they replay that voice with those taunting words on the January 6 video I cringe. The face of the woman in that crowd demanding to know where Nancy was, had always made me furious.

When this current act of pure hate was reported I followed it, horrified as the details unfolded.

And once again, no condemnation from the man who has consistently incited the violence, and casually pointed his finger at the targets.

ml1 said:

The MAGAs will deny responsibility for the role their violent rhetoric and demonization of Nancy Pelosi played in this. They will say the attacker was mentally ill. And the news media (even the so-called "mainstream") will almost certainly promote that narrative. 

The MAGAs exceeded Mr. Ml1's wildest imaginings.  They're blaming Paul Pelosi and even spinning sex fables.

A local Twitter troll has joined in, btw.  

What does that even mean?

drummerboy said:

What does that even mean?

There's an immediately-preceding Greenwald tweet about how there are other "narratives" which people will be discouraged from investigating, as with the "Hunter Biden's Laptop" storyline.  Greenwald dances around the "sex rendezvous" alternative narrative in the whole tweet thread. 

You know what else can be career ending? Being attacked with a hammer. But sure, Glenn, let's talk about how brave it is to go on twitter and encourage paranoid, violent conspiracy theorists.

they seem to find it implausible that someone other than Paul Pelosi was at the home, and that person called the police and opened the door for them, and only after the cops entered did the attacker go after Pelosi.

First of all, it would be pretty surprising if a wealthy 82 year old man didn't have any live-in help, especially at at time when he would have otherwise been alone. The notion that DePape and Pelosi were in a standoff and that DePape only attacked after the police tried to stop him also doesn't seem implausible. After all, he was apparently looking for the Speaker, not her husband.

But for the conspiracy minded, those facts seem to support their idea that this was some sort of false flag set up by the Pelosis, or that Paul Pelosi was cruising the bars and picked up the wrong guy  vampire

This is a link to the affidavit for the complaint against Pelosi's attacker. It describes the statements from the victim and the attacker.

Complaint and Affidavit

It's not the story Glenn Greenwald or his fans were looking for.

[Edited to add] A sample -

"DEPAPE stated that he was going to hold Nancy hostage and talk to her. If Nancy were to tell DEPAPE the “truth,” he would let her go, and if she “lied,” he was going to break “her kneecaps.” DEPAPE was certain that Nancy would not have told the “truth.” In the course of the interview, DEPAPE articulated he viewed Nancy as the “leader of the pack” of lies told by the Democratic Party. DEPAPE also later explained that by breaking Nancy’s kneecaps, she would then have to be wheeled into Congress, which would show other Members of Congress there were consequences to actions. DEPAPE also explained generally that he wanted to use Nancy to lure another individual to DEPAPE."

nohero said:

This is a link to the affidavit for the complaint against Pelosi's attacker. It describes the statements from the victim and the attacker.

Complaint and Affidavit

It's not the story Glenn Greenwald or his fans were looking for.

Of course it’s not what they’re looking for..but it’s the second attempt on Nancy Pelosi’s life in two years. 

Now that we know that there's video of the assailant breaking into the house, does the "just asking questions" crowd have their answers, now, or are they going to come up with more bullshite questions?

I don't claim to know what happened, but there's nothing weird about this?

terp said:

I don't claim to know what happened, but there's nothing weird about this?

maybe it was removed because it was inaccurate and full of conjecture?


also, there's nothing hysterical about Carlin's description is there?

"forced to delete" - yeah, by whom?

"breaking the narrative" - what narrative?

Please upgrade your BS meter.

It seems more likely it was requested that it be taken down.  Do you think that report was broadcasted and posted without any reviews?   There could be valid reasons for this, but the story does seem odd. 

terp said:

I don't claim to know what happened, but there's nothing weird about this?

There sure is. Why did GM America have an NBC video in the first place?

It was aired on the Today Show.

terp said:

It was aired on the Today Show.

Tell that to your source.

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