The Rise of the Machines

this is how it starts

Chess-playing robot breaks finger of 7-year-old boy during match

By Des BielerJuly 24, 2022 at 9:29 p.m. EDT
(Jason Kempin/Getty Images for Agon Limited)

A chess-playing robot broke the finger of a 7-year-old boy who was competing against it during a recent tournament in Moscow.

According to officials from the Moscow Chess Federation, the child continued his participation in the event after his finger was placed in a plaster cast.

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Both officials, in comments to a pair of state news agencies translated from Russian, appeared to place at least some of the blame for the incident on the boy.

“The child made a move, and after that we need to give time for the robot to answer, but the boy hurried, the robot grabbed him,” Sergey Lazarev, president of the Moscow Chess Federation, told TASS. “We have nothing to do with the robot.”

“The robot broke the child’s finger — this, of course, is bad,” added Lazarev. “The robot was rented by us, it has been exhibited in many places, for a long time, with specialists.”

“It happens, a coincidence. It is necessary, apparently, to warn the children additionally,” federation vice president Sergey Smagin told RIA Novosti. “It is extremely strange that this happened, but it happened, it happens.”

drummerboy said:

“The robot broke the child’s finger — this, of course, is bad,” added Lazarev. “The robot was rented by us, it has been exhibited in many places, for a long time, with specialists.”

LOL!  Thank you for this.  I thought it was going to be about Google's AI with the emotional intelligence of a 5 year old.

I may be wrong about this but, in the Sarah Connor Chronicles, wasn't Skynet descended from a chess playing computer?

The other machines are annoyed, because the chess-playing machine ought to know that you don't attack before all of the other pieces are in place.

nohero said:

The other machines are annoyed, because the chess-playing machine ought to know that you don't attack before all of the other pieces are in place.

Maybe this machine is advising Putin.

I  thought this thread was going to be about how machines have taken over the stock market. 

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