The Arizona recount

Any guesses as to when they'll finish this?  What will the fate of the Cyber Ninjas be?  It seems like a good business model - get paid for doing something you have no clue about.  Any want to start up their own voter audit company to compete?  The Cyber Samurai?

Here's a debunking of T****'s latest claims:

A criminal probe that will likely go nowhere:

I'm guessing the audit will go into September.  I think Oct 1 would be a good over/under date for betting.  That is - if legal action doesn't shut them down sooner.

Of course we'll hear.  We were so close to getting to the truth - and then they shut us down.  

jamie said:

Any guesses as to when they'll finish this?  

Are you starting a pool?

Please don't refer to what is going on in Arizona as a "recount" (or even an audit).  Call it what it is - a sham.

I still can't believe it was allowed to happen. It's pretty scary that the ballots and voting machines were turned over to those yahoos.


Reality: "A monthslong hand recount of Maricopa County’s 2020 vote confirmed that President Joe Biden won and the election was not 'stolen' from former President Donald Trump, according to early versions of a report prepared for the Arizona Senate. The three-volume report by the Cyber Ninjas, the Senate’s lead contractor, includes results that show Trump lost by a wider margin than the county’s official election results."

What a joke this whole brouhaha has been. It's genuinely scary how many people have bought into the narrative of the stolen election, when from a purely logical, apolitical and non-partisan perspective, the whole thing is so ridiculously preposterous and far-fetched.

As I think I've mentioned I have a MAGA friend who I periodically debate politics with (at least he directly answers questions, unlike MOL's resident MAGA). He said as recently as a couple months ago that he was looking forward to the AZ recount/audit/or whatever it was, because "the truth is coming out." I'll have to check with him to see what the latest revised "truth" is, now that this one has been proven false just like all the other truths. I'm sure there's a new one.

I don't know whether to be reassured by the fact that Republicans keep stepping back from the brink, or unnerved that they keep walking up to it.

nohero said:


The more exposure given to Montana cartoonists with 15,000 Twitter followers and typically a couple of hundred likes, the better.

DaveSchmidt said:

nohero said:


The more exposure given to Montana cartoonists with 15,000 Twitter followers and typically a couple of hundred likes, the better.

 That's his "new" account, only a few months old. His old one was suspended.

Ben Garrison - Wikipedia

His cartoons have been discussed here before.

nohero said: 

That's his "new" account, only a few months old. His old one was suspended.

Ben Garrison - Wikipedia

His cartoons have been discussed here before.

I know, on both counts. Welcome to the club of posters who bring them up. (Apologies if it’s a belated welcome.)

None of this will matter to anyone who believes in the myth of election fraud.  A hand recount isn't going to mean anything to a person who thinks Democrats are packing buses full of homeless people who vote under the names of dead people.  Or who believes that thousands of undocumented immigrants are being allowed to vote illegally, or who thinks that people of color are voting multiple times.

Those of us living in real reality don't want to believe it, but there is a whole other right wing reality out there, where propagandists have convinced millions of people that if a Democrat wins an election it can only be by fraud.  It's circular logic at its worst -- how do they know a Democrat won by fraud?  Because Democrats win elections by fraud.

we've got a real problem in this country that I'm not sure most people want to believe.  And IMHO it's not even the voter restrictions that are being enacted.  It's that the groundwork is already laid for as many as a third of voters to believe that any Democratic win is prima facie evidence of fraud.  And that may be enough for partisan election boards to throw out votes they claim are "fraudulent" and overturn elections. Do we believe the SCOTUS will actually rule against such actions?  Who knows?  It doesn't appear certain that they would.

So the “fraudit” came back with a couple more hundred votes for Biden…at what point do these MAGATS come to grips with the reality that trumpenstein lost the election? 

Trying to find Mike Lindell's response - but it looks like he's very focused on Alabama now.

There has to be some serious repercussions to these con artists.

Who pays for the millions of dollars needed to new voting machines ruined by the cybernincompoops?

Jaytee said:

So the “fraudit” came back with a couple more hundred votes for Biden…at what point do these MAGATS come to grips with the reality that trumpenstein lost the election? 

 They don't believe in reality.

They believe in Trump.

STANV said:

 They don't believe in reality.

They believe in Trump.

 I never in my wildest dreams thought I would see this actually become a reality in this country. But I guess hate can really transform an entire society if it is used for political gain. It’s like in just 8 to 10 years I have witnessed people being consumed by hateful thoughts. I suspect this is directly related to the country having its first black President. Sadly I don’t see things getting any better anytime soon. 

Is it my imagination or did T**** recently say at a rally that the Arizona recount proved that he won the state by a lot?

mtierney said:


TDS is virulent!

yeah… it’s so bad even the insurrection flock are now only realizing just how much dodo they’re in … they are going to jail, and can’t hear a word from trumpenstein. It’s bad.

mtierney said:


TDS is virulent!

the only place it's virulent is among Republicans who still view him as a leader.

can't get more deranged than that.

mtierney said:


TDS is virulent!

Thanksgiving Delicious Stuffing?

I hope so!

dave said:

Somehow the Guy Who Tried to Steal Arizona for Trump Is Now Broke

Sure, the Deep State may say he's broke, but by his calculations he's a millionaire.

The guy really believed he'd get to do recounts in all 50 states.  What a rube.  Probably, like mtierney, a proud graduate of Trump University.

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