Speaker of the House nominations

This subject is to big to get lost in the Rose garden thread.

After 11 defeats McCarthy is said this: “We’re going to make progress today. We’re going to shock you,” McCarthy told reporters as he arrived on Capitol Hill Friday morning, adding, “We’re going to get it done.”

Any thoughts?

There's a core group which just wants to humiliate McCarthy. I doubt that they care that nothing is getting done.

I heard an interesting statistic this morning - most of the GOP members voting against McCarthy also were in the small group of members who voted against honoring the Capitol Police for their efforts to defend the Capitol on January 6.

That's the kind of people who McCarthy has to "negotiate" with.

They demand a sacrifice, and he's it.

nohero said:

There's a core group which just wants to humiliate McCarthy. I doubt that they care that nothing is getting done.

I heard an interesting statistic this morning - most of the GOP members voting against McCarthy also were in the small group of members who voted against honoring the Capitol Police for their efforts to defend the Capitol on January 6.

That's the kind of people who McCarthy has to "negotiate" with.

They demand a sacrifice, and he's it.

Its more complicated.

The whole conservative pantheon is invested in McCarthy being denied. Just look at the signatures and organizations represented: 


(Included is Ginni Thomas, spouse of our esteemed SC Justice Thomas)

While I have deep aversion to the holdouts they know very well that McCarthy is a snake whose word isn't worth a penny. He criticized Trump Jan 6 when he thought his life endangered. A month later he's at Mar-a-Lago on bending he knee to him. He's also vindictive and vile. Look at how he treated Pelosi.

Sure, he can promise those conservatives whatever. Nice committee assignments, being able to call for a new speaker if just one member requests it. And what happens when he's appointed speaker and then he can't get the rules changes he promised them? Gee, I tried but I can't get majorities needed for rule changes. Well it seems you're stuck with me now.

If I were part of that I wouldn't trust McCarthy either.

If I were the 200 that have been voting with him I would be upset with him giving all these concessions. Some of the concessions are over the top. Oh well, he reaps what he sowed.

I've been reading a lot of the Never Kevin posts on the Twitters and many of them refer to the Uniparty. 

They call MTG a "harlot" because she chose to vote for McCarthy. They're spreading a rumor that the two are having an affair. 

They're now calling Hannity and Fox & Friends shills for the Uniparty and reps like Dan Crenshaw a RINO.

Anyhoo. He lost the 12th vote already. Next!

But he did pick up seats.  And Gaetz gave a pretty good anti-Kevin speech.

jamie said:

But he did pick up seats.  And Gaetz gave a pretty good anti-Kevin speech.

Well, I'm sure after McCarthy wins the 13th Round, we'll find out what he promised them.

well, he picked up 1, still 5, possibly six holdouts.

jamie said:

well, he picked up 1, still 5, possibly six holdouts.

At least 6, it would seem. So it depends on how many didn't vote, I guess?

Sounds like they might keep going over the weekend. I guess it depends on whether or not they think more Republicans will show up than Dems. I think Raskin isn't there because he's getting chemotherapy. 

ridski said:

jamie said:

But he did pick up seats.  And Gaetz gave a pretty good anti-Kevin speech.

Well, I'm sure after McCarthy wins the 13th Round, we'll find out what he promised them.

Based on what Scott Perry has been saying, probably Social Security and Medicare/Medicaid cuts.

ridski said:

Based on what Scott Perry has been saying, probably Social Security and Medicare/Medicaid cuts.

I heard that Perry said that McCarthy agreed to no clean debt limit increase so something in exchange - likely SS/MA/Medicare cuts.  I hope that the Biden Administration litigates the issue and gets rid of the debt limit once and for all.  This article was quite interesting on this point.

Please excuse a seemingly stupid question (it’s not covered in news out here): if there’s still no Speaker, does that mean the House can’t formally recognise the anniversary of 6th January??  So, in effect, it’s yet another insult to the staff, Representatives and families affected by that civil protest??

And apparently no-one in there cares or comments??  Astounding. 

joanne said:

Please excuse a seemingly stupid question (it’s not covered in news out here): if there’s still no Speaker, does that mean the House can’t formally recognise the anniversary of 6th January??  So, in effect, it’s yet another insult to the staff, Representatives and families affected by that civil protest??

And apparently no-one in there cares or comments??  Astounding. 

I imagine that acknowledging the January 6 treason is a very VERY low priority for the Republican majority.

Gaetz said he would leave congress if the democrats struck a deal with a moderate republican.  Talk about incentive!

In order to become Speaker of the House, McCarthy has to give away the power that a Speaker would have by being Speaker.

It's like an O. Henry story, "The Gift of the MAGA". 

Reporter asked McCarthy – How do you you expect to govern this way – if it has been taking this long to get the conference united?

McCarthy – See this is the great part – because it took this long, now we learned how to govern. So we’ll be able to get the job done.

Because it took this long we learned how to govern?  oh oh

Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and to remove all doubt. — ABRAHAM LINCOLN.

Even a fool is thought wise if he keeps silent, and discerning if he holds his tongue. - Proverbs 17:28.

Whatever happened to the CNN guy who did the voting numbers analysis? (Like MSNBC's Steve Kornacki.) Did they finally fire him? I never liked him.

Perfect. Looks like it's up to Gaetz, the most useless POS in the house.

Looks like he lost again?


I hope that Shop Rite has a lot of popcorn available tomw am because I am completely out of mine.

HOLY ****

McCarthy is in - unless something weird happens.   Oh well, should be interesting to see what Gaetz got out of this.

Let the sh!t circus begin!

Some speech by Jeffries. He's a definite comer.

‘I rise to say ‘Wow!’ What a thing to say….

Is McCarthy even going to be able to control anything listed as business or discussion, after what he’s had to trade off??

Imagine… this jackass will be second in line to the presidency…

My paper version of the NY Times shows that they waited until the failure of the vote and the request to adjourn, and then hit "Print".

That last piece of theater was pathetic. Gaetz and Boebert treated McCarthy like a plaything, making him beg and pulling that last minute surprise.

Doesn't bode well for sanity in the House.

[Edited to add] And then, of course, there was the shouting and the restraining.

nohero said:

My paper version of the NY Times shows that they waited until the failure of the vote and the request to adjourn, and then hit "Print".

According to what I heard from a night editor there, they were scrambling after already having extended the deadline an hour beyond what the presses normally require to get the final editions on the trucks in time and, missing even that deadline, couldn’t put off hitting the newsroom’s big red “Print” button a minute longer.

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