Right Wing Watch

I wonder what a left wing watch group would highlight.  But can you imagine if you're a republican and your only getting this type of substance.  I'll say it for the umpteenth time.  The FB and social media algorithms are leading to more political division then anything else.  I do not see a solution anytime soon either.

Here's a few tweets recently posted

Bakker is still around:

This is some scary siht!!!

And just one more:

Powell get an honor:

When will she bring the "truth" to court with one of the lawsuits against her?

More friendly rhetoric from the right.  Is there anything close to this sort of speech on the left?

You know if Jim Jones was alive today, he could just go on Fox News with Tucker Carlson and tell them to get cyanide from the farm store…no need to serve any kool aid 

You just wonder how these people grow their audiences:

Where do these people come from?

Today is the 27th of January. I took these pictures from a friend. Can anyone even imagine the horror of Auschwitz? How cold it was? Gives me the creeps just looking at these pictures. I can’t help but think of my grandmother who somehow escaped to Holland. 
To hear people today making comparisons to this place so trivial is disturbing.

I grew up surrounded by people with tattooed numbers that just wouldn’t fade…  After my Dad died, Mum donated his ‘suit’ to the Holocaust Museum in Elsternwick. The material was so thin… She kept his and her pocket Stars, though, and Identity papers, and some other memorabilia. I think my sister still has them, safe.  Dad wasn’t in Auschwitz, though, he was in another Polish work camp. My sister’s Hungarian in-laws were in Auschwitz. 
Mum and her mother, as you might remember, hid in a Parisian attic. Mum’s young brother hid on a Breton farm, where he didn’t know anyone. Her dad was one of the first in ?Bergen-Belsen ?Magdanek, killed almost as soon as he arrived, as a degenerate artist. It’s almost ironic because because his brothers survived because of their musical genius, forming famed camp orchestras. 
Several of my school teachers were Survivors, not all Jewish. One was a political prisoner, tortured, her legs and jaw broken and left without medical care. She was in solitary confinement for most of the War. Another was only a young girl living in a German village while the worst of the bombing and fighting was nearby; terrifying. (Her family were Templars and scared of being turned in)

joanne said:

I grew up surrounded by people with tattooed numbers that just wouldn’t fade…  After my Dad died, Mum donated his ‘suit’ to the Holocaust Museum in Elsternwick. The material was so thin… She kept his and her pocket Stars, though, and Identity papers, and some other memorabilia. I think my sister still has them, safe.  Dad wasn’t in Auschwitz, though, he was in another Polish work camp. My sister’s Hungarian in-laws were in Auschwitz. 
Mum and her mother, as you might remember, hid in a Parisian attic. Mum’s young brother hid on a Breton farm, where he didn’t know anyone. Her dad was one of the first in ?Bergen-Belsen ?Magdanek, killed almost as soon as he arrived, as a degenerate artist. It’s almost ironic because because his brothers survived because of their musical genius, forming famed camp orchestras. 
Several of my school teachers were Survivors, not all Jewish. One was a political prisoner, tortured, her legs and jaw broken and left without medical care. She was in solitary confinement for most of the War. Another was only a young girl living in a German village while the worst of the bombing and fighting was nearby; terrifying. (Her family were Templars and scared of being turned in)

These images are from Birkenau. 

{Although it feels weird to ‘like’ these posts. But we need to remember and to ensure younger people everywhere do too, so such actions shouldn’t happen again. Mum was appalled at European reactions to First Nations’ needs and communities, right up until she died in the late 1990s - it’s only got worse since then. And what recognised in Asia, in the Middle East, in some parts of Africa…she kept telling school students visiting the Museum to stop it, every time.}

ETA: Dad was in Częstochowa near Lodz. 

If you don't vote for ME - you're going to have to answer to God!

Again - religion is used as a fear tactic from the right.

This "minister" seems upset that Pence didn't kill himself like Judas did.

Should an individual citizen have the right to own a nuclear warhead and/or biological weapons?    

Hmm, the bible says we need to tax the "foreigners".  We've been doing it all wrong for years!

Another pastor calling for T****'s return to office

Giuliani claiming he has about 1,000 pages of evidence on HRC, proving she was spying on trump… he thinks the evidence is in his bedroom.

this guy will probably get millions of votes in the NY gubernatorial election.

can't remember reading something so creepy.

I'd like to congratulate all of the residents of Maplewood and South Orange for escaping the hell hole of urban living. 

Living in a fancy high-rise in downtown NYC and being able to walk to work or take public transportation is not scary to me.

Living out in the middle of nowhere and having to drive an hour to buy milk or take a plane to go to a museum or theater is scary.

But different strokes for different folks!

we are in the dumbest timeline

nohero said:

I'd like to congratulate all of the residents of Maplewood and South Orange for escaping the hell hole of urban living. 

I guess he thinks all those are bad things? Maybe he's never been on an electric scooter.  They're a lot of fun.  But sometimes I think that's a defining characteristic of the right. They hate on a lot of things that are really fun.

ml1 said:

nohero said:

I'd like to congratulate all of the residents of Maplewood and South Orange for escaping the hell hole of urban living. 

I guess he thinks all those are bad things? Maybe he's never been on an electric scooter.  They're a lot of fun.  But sometimes I think that's a defining characteristic of the right. They hate on a lot of things that are really fun.

Electric scooters are for sissies.  Real men drive trucks.

ml1 said:

I guess he thinks all those are bad things? Maybe he's never been on an electric scooter.  They're a lot of fun.  But sometimes I think that's a defining characteristic of the right. They hate on a lot of things that are really fun.

H.L. Mencken's classic definition of "Puritanism": "The haunting fear that someone, somewhere, may be happy."

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