F***ing Crazy

I'll get more nervous about Trump's chances after the midterms.  For now I'll cheer for Republicans who have the courage to call him a maniac, but it still is too few. Bill Maher highlighted some of the GOP we used to consider extreme and warned us of a crazier crop coming up.

There is a well-established crop of GOP psychopaths filling Trump's void.
I'm interested to see the DeSantis / Trump battle play out in the Republican primaries.

Nikki Haley says Biden will die within the next five years…. Crazy!

Jaytee said:

Nikki Haley says Biden will die within the next five years…. Crazy!

And used it as an opportunity to warn us all of the possibility of a President Harris. With those graceless remarks, I'm reminded how fortunate we are that she is no longer in the U.N.

In theory, anyone could die within 5-10 years, of a myriad of causes…what a ridiculous statement. 
https://www.abc.net.au/news/2023-04-28/sa-woman-believed-to-be-australias-oldest-living-person/102277412  Yep, she’s 110years and doing well. 

“In the last 100 years, the life expectancy of Australians has increased by 20 years. Now Australia has 3700 people aged over 100. By 2050, Australia will have over 50,000 people aged 100 and over. For seniors, this means more years of being active and being a valuable part of the community.”


A question for Joanne:  We have had a ginned-up political debate in the US over light beer and advertising.  I have read that in Australia, there is really good flavorful beer.   Have you noticed this?   

Hi Robert!

I live in a region with lots of boutique breweries - Black Hops Beer is about 5 mins from me cheese There are others just a short drive away in the hinterlands, or up the Sunshine Coast, or down in Tweed Heads and Byron Bay/ Ballina.  Unfortunately I can’t drink anything fermented or aged (mast cell allergies) so I have no idea how good they are; everything smells like stable sweepings to me  gulp  Check with @marksierra perhaps?  

https://blackhops.com.au/    closest to me  
https://craftbreweries.com.au/article/beer  Over the railway tracks and major highway

https://laughinglizard.au/our-beers/   Up the road from Black Hops

https://www.burleighbrewing.com.au/  Surfers’ beer (at Burleigh beach)

And there are so many more……

Morganna said:

And used it as an opportunity to warn us all of the possibility of a President Harris. With those graceless remarks, I'm reminded how fortunate we are that she is no longer in the U.N.

I think that’s the thing they are more concerned about. It’s not so much the black man they fear the most, it’s the powerful educated assertive black woman. Just ask trumpenstein.. 

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