Sir Christopher Lee is dead!! Gasp!

Aged 93, and some folks may not believe this is the end... Sir Christopher died on Sunday.

Aww! I loved him. What a great legacy he has left.

And I've just read that Ron Moody has also died, aged 91. You'd know him best from 'Oliver!'.

Also to note is the passing of German big-band leader James Last.

Loved Christopher Lee and his movies. Also Ron Moody. Sorry to read of their passing.

Thought it would be interesting if Christopher Lee and Ron Moody had appeared together in something, but other than separate episodes of "The Avengers," the closest I could come up with was one degree of separation:

Moody ("Oliver!") > Oliver Reed > Lee ("The Three [and Four] Musketeers")

ETA: Even more interesting might be the minimal degrees of separation marksierra can draw between either actor and James Last.

He and Peter Cushing must be plotting in a corner on high somewhere. I'm nervous. RIP.

And did you read that he just missed out on a turn as The Doctor? I thought, though, he had voiced a villain for an audio book, or had done a Discworld character; I must go back and check.

And Ron Moody, acting into his 80s, creating memorable characters... The stagecraft these two had oozing from their pores just doesn't to be around these days. We were talking about it at work yesterday, and over the weekend with a friend: the craft of acting has changed since the advent of CGI and the prevalence of 'on demand' screened work. There's so much around, that the viewer can manipulate on their own equipment, that's it's taken for granted. Actors are a bit 'ordinary people' as a result, instead of the larger than life figures they were

On one of his rare days off, my dad loved to go to the movies. When I was a child, he took me and my brother to see Christopher Lee as Dracula. It was probably the first movie I saw in color. eeks - afterward I was scared when it got dark that Dracula would come. At bedtime, I would sprinkle holy water around my bed and position my cross right on my neck and attempt to stay awake just in case. But I would never talk to my parents about my fears...well things came to head, and my dad had to assure me is only a movie! It's not real! They get paid like any job! RIP the very believable actor Christopher Lee.

I love this! I love that he didn't stop being relevant, even in his 80s and 90s--he has two movies in the works now. He was afraid to be typecast and he was, but he had some truly marvelous roles, both inside and outside the horror genre

dave said:

mlj said:
On one of his rare days off, my dad loved to go to the movies. When I was a child, he took me and my brother to see Christopher Lee as Dracula. It was probably the first movie I saw in color. eeks - afterward I was scared when it got dark that Dracula would come. At bedtime, I would sprinkle holy water around my bed and position my cross right on my neck and attempt to stay awake just in case. But I would never talk to my parents about my fears...well things came to head, and my dad had to assure me is only a movie! It's not real! They get paid like any job! RIP the very believable actor Christopher Lee.


Travel well those paths unknown

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