Sesame Street: "Maria" Retires

When my daughter was a baby/toddler, we regularly watched Sesame Street. It was always a bright spot through some rocky times. (I left my late spouse when my daughter was only five-months-old.) Sonia Manzano (Maria) of Sesame Street Retires®ion=inside-nyt-region&WT.nav=inside-nyt-region&_r=0

Maria and hubby do "Hola Means Hello," my favorite:

She always reminded me of my mom. I didn't realize it until I started watching it with my own kids and felt this weird nostalgia, like I was watching a video of my own mom from the 80's.

Good for her, though. That is an amazingly long time to hold down the same job!

Wow, I'm so old I was too old for Seseme Street when it came on. My son liked it Ok but was terrified by the character Telly so we found something else for him to watch. So I'm hardly aware of Maria, although I remember news stories when she got married on the show. How did the marriage work out? What are they going to do with her character when she leaves?

She's also an accomplished children's book author. No Dogs Allowed is my favorite. A few years ago she visited Tuscan and did a reading and presentation for the kids- she was delightful.

I had the hots for maria when i was a kid. Hubba hubba

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