Rosh haShanna cooking?

has anyone actually started planning or cooking yet?? Most people I know are really only just getting around to accepting it's next week

I've ordered challot this year, not bothering about gluten-free since I won't eat any. 

I'm thinking I might make an apple pie instead of a honey cake, since I can't eat either, and the honey cake is so much work. (D's grandmother used to make apple pie; it's nice to remember her, too). 

I'm not sure if we'll be with 'a cast of thousands' for dinner... And we're trying to eat less these days. 

What's on your menus?

Well, at least I wont be making "matzoh Charlotte" for dessert!  Hahaha Having a small gathering with two vegetarians so no brisket for us. Maybe some  Sephardic type fish since one does eat fish.

L'shana tovah!

Better start working on it!

Chicken soup - done

Brisket - done

Apple cake - done

Thank goodness for a large freezer.  

I go to communal celebrations, so I don't need to cook, but I think I could make a round challah or two.

Ordered challah at the new bakery in Millburn (on Essex St) - their products are fantastic

I was gifted a beautiful jar of pure golden honey, fresh from the bees in my colleague’s hives, today. A real blessing!  question  We’ll use the apple dish with its own honey-well my MIL made, and maybe even her candlesticks this time. 

I have a lovely baked whole-fish recipe that goes with a spicy green herb dressing, haven’t made it for some time. If we get more diners, maybe i’ll do’s also easy to take if we end up somewhere communal.

I am smoking a brisket.

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