Rheumatologist needed!

Owwwww.....my aching joints and fingers!!!

Anyone have recommendations for great rheumatologist in the area who takes BCBS?

Thanks in advance!


You can try Neil Kramer and Eliot Rosenstein at Overlook.

Dr. Andrew Weinberger in W. Orange

Research the negative effects of rhu drugs you are offered. One of the drugs Joyce took gave her several years of activity. It has stomach cancer as a negative side effect. She died of stomach cancer.

I think she would have accepted the trade-off. You may also but do it knowingly

jeffl said:
You can try Neil Kramer and Eliot Rosenstein at Overlook.

Yes. Agree with this.

WEINBERGER IS THE WORST. When i went to him, I couldn't even walk from my car to the door without help..and he said 'its not that bad, you don't qualify for handicap parking'

I have tried top docs lists and found the only thing they had that were tops is good public relations...their patient skills were horrible. I even traveled into Middlesex and Monmouth counties to try doctors.

If you have RA or another autoimmune condition...the biologics can be worse--causing infections and cancer because they suppress your entire immune system...and let the germs attack

Kramer and Rosenstein graduated 41 years ago..making them about 70.....it can be tough to start with a new doctor that could be retiring at any time. Weinberger is about the same age.

jmitw said:

If you have RA or another autoimmune condition...the biologics can be worse--causing infections and cancer because they suppress your entire immune system...and let the germs attack

An increased risk of infection or cancer certainly comes with the territory. Very hard decisions often have to be made when you have a serious & debilitating illness. While I respect your right to refuse such therapies, I also respect those who choose to accept the risk in order to get control of chronic/severe pain or disability.

mjh said:

jmitw said:

If you have RA or another autoimmune condition...the biologics can be worse--causing infections and cancer because they suppress your entire immune system...and let the germs attack
An increased risk of infection or cancer certainly comes with the territory. Very hard decisions often have to be made when you have a serious & debilitating illness. While I respect your right to refuse such therapies, I also respect those who choose to accept the risk in order to get control of chronic/severe pain or disability.

That is my point.... don't just start swallowing stuff because someone with a white coat says it is good for you.

Ask as many questions as you can think of. Then decide.

Kramer and Rosestein are both brilliant. I'd pick brilliant over youth any day.

jmitw said:
WEINBERGER IS THE WORST. When i went to him, I couldn't even walk from my car to the door without help..and he said 'its not that bad, you don't qualify for handicap parking'
I have tried top docs lists and found the only thing they had that were tops is good public relations...their patient skills were horrible. I even traveled into Middlesex and Monmouth counties to try doctors.
If you have RA or another autoimmune condition...the biologics can be worse--causing infections and cancer because they suppress your entire immune system...and let the germs attack

Kramer and Rosenstein graduated 41 years ago..making them about 70.....it can be tough to start with a new doctor that could be retiring at any time. Weinberger is about the same age.

The problem with age...is there is a significant chance they will be retiring any day...not their ability....I once tried a new doc..he turned out to be a complete idiot still using decades old recommendations which are now contradicted.....i would have never gone back to him.....but 3 months later I got a letter saying he was retiring....had I planned on staying with him, it would be very frustrating....

My grandmother's cardiologist was great...if I needed a cardio and he was still practicing I would go back to him even though he is in his 80s....'

you have a new patient appointment with 1 doc..he retires and you have to start all over with a new patient appointment months later with another doc if the practice is just closed....

JJ did you find a rheumatologist you like?

I currently don't have a rheumatologist...none of the medications helped...there is nothing else to try right now...I have been looking to establish a relationship with a new one...but i want it to be one that is likely to be around for at least 10 years.....the last one gave me so many narcotics that I should be stocked for years....and I have used them after 10 years and they still worked in the past....i told him I only need a narcotic once or twice a year when I can't function at all...he gave me 300/year...i didn't even fill most of the prescriptions (that one was in Middlesex County)....they'd get mad at me because their records would say i was taking them regularly..and give me another big prescription...and then get mad at me again because I was making their records wrong.....even though i only asked for 10 per year.....a few years ago I may have used about 20 mostly over a 3 week period...but every other year I only use 1 or 2.....

I agree with jeffl about Kramer and Rosenstein. Look them up. Their bios say it all. That said, it's not easy to get an appointment with them. I think you have to know someone who knows them who will say, "jmitw is my friend, so put him on the list." That's how I got in with one of them. If their age really bothers you that much, go see one of their (younger) partners in the practice. They only hire other brilliant people, and all in the practice consult with each other.

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