
Are there any hockey fans here? If not, you're missing a pretty freakin amazing run by the blueshirts. Smells like 94 around here.

I've remained quiet for fear of jinxing. No doubt, great run to this point.

LGR! I am hockey fan yes!

Glad they made it this far, Hopefully they can get past Chicago/La, long flight to La that will hurt

I dislike the Rangers, but I must say, they look good!

It's wild. It's not 94 because in 94 they were the best team. It's better because its an underdog run this year. If you're into a team. playoff hockey is such a nailbaiting torturous thing. There are not a lot of goals in a hockey game so each one has emotional oomph, but there are a lot more scoring chances than goals so you're always at the edge of your seat.

Train_of_Thought said:

I've remained quiet for fear of jinxing. No doubt, great run to this point.


We are enjoying the playoffs! Very exciting.

Train of Thought said:
I've remained quiet for fear of jinxing. No doubt, great run to this point.

I will attempt my game 7 fix of 1994. No

TV in house is allowed to have the game on and I will only listen to on the radio in back yard. If that does not work I will need to travel back to brooklyn and listen to the game in my old backyard on 7th st.

Screw any jinx. Let's do this. Tonight.

What channel on directtv?

They be going to play for the Stanley Cup...

"One more hill to climb, baby!"

What a save!!!!!


You'd at least think that a NY -Chi/LA stanley cup series would merit primetime NBC. I sprained a thumb trying to find NBCsn.

In '94, Rangers also lost Game 1 in overtime, 3-2. Just saying.

At least it was on primetime!

In 94 Rangers were not underdogs. Here, they were up 2 goals on a favored team in a game 1 away. They really needed that win. And they lost because of their main weakness, unforced turnovers in their own end (See Stepan, D, and Girardi, D.).

bub said:

In 94 Rangers were not underdogs...

For sure. I was just being playful.

Hopefully we have a sweep. It couldnt happen to a more annoying fanbase. Go Kings (or anyone playing the Rangers).

How so? I don't want to annoy anyone.

scott_clark said:

Smells like 94 around here.

More like '95, except the Rangers were wearing Red Wings jerseys. grrr

Now I understand why the thread title was all in lower case. Quite accurate forethought. Well played! question

Not lundquist's fault. Hard to win with a patehtic offense.

scott_clark said:

Not lundquist's fault. Hard to win with a patehtic offense.

Even harder having fans with "patehtic" spelling. question

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