Pickle stand at Farmer's Market question

I forgot to ask the man at the stand last Monday, but can I wash and reuse the plastic bucket the pickles came in? It just seems a waste to get a new bucket each week to just end up tossing it in the recycling bin. Has anyone else reused their pickle bucket for new purchases there, or does the DOH not allow that?

I can imagine that the Health Department might frown on immediate reuse like that, but it would be nice if you could swap it back to them and then they could clean them and reuse them (according to whatever Health Department procedures are in place.)

Picklelicious encourages you to reuse your clean container. They even give you $1 offif you do.

PetuniaBird said:
Picklelicious encourages you to reuse your clean container. Theyeven give you $1 if you do.

I'm glad to hear this. I don't even care about the money, it is just the waste that I was thinking of since my son asks every day when "the pickle man" will be back so we can buy more. I foresee a lot of pickles in our house this summer.

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