Parking by maplewood Train Station

Can anyone share information on what the parking situation is? As bad as I fear on Maplewood Ave, Dunnell and Oakview?

rumor has it yes - saw posts to the fact about Dunnell and Oakview. Would have to assume that Mwood is the same. 

I hope they're still not dumping snow in the handicapped parking spots (the old excuse was "well, there's nowhere else to put it").

They weren't letting any cars through the section in front of the station (or jitneys) around 7:30 this morning. Parking is a little haphazard from what I could tell....hard to tell what spots are "legal" parking spots.

TigerLilly said:

They weren't letting any cars through the section in front of the station (or jitneys) around 7:30 this morning. Parking is a little haphazard from what I could tell....hard to tell what spots are "legal" parking spots.

That's because there was some selfish Moron who parked their Ford SUV in a way that blocked through traffic.  I hope that it gets towed.  Nothing against Fords, just against selfish morons.

I saw elsewhere that a car was towed from the train station. Possibly the same car mentioned here?

spontaneous said:

I saw elsewhere that a car was towed from the train station. Possibly the same car mentioned here?


jeffhandy said:
TigerLilly said:

They weren't letting any cars through the section in front of the station (or jitneys) around 7:30 this morning. Parking is a little haphazard from what I could tell....hard to tell what spots are "legal" parking spots.

That's because there was some selfish Moron who parked their Ford SUV in a way that blocked through traffic.  I hope that it gets towed.  Nothing against Fords, just against selfish morons.

I saw this at 6:50 this morning. The idiot parked in such a way that traffic could not get through, including the jitneys.

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