Nepal Relief

I attended a local Rotary meeting today, and we had a speaker who is active in the district Rotary, and is a native of Nepal. He described his own desperate attempt to locate his family members, who, fortunately, survived, but who have had to leave their homes because of the extensive damage.  I could certainly empathize, living through 9/11 and feeling the desperation to know loved ones were safe, and also living through the heartbreak of Superstorm Sandy---and that is small measure as compared with the devastation in Nepal.  

This speaker touched my heart. $1.00 buys a case of clean water for a family. So every donation, large or small, helps in a very real way.  The attached flyer provides the specific information. If you are able to donate, please consider Friends of Nepal-New Jersey. 100% of donations will go directly to relief efforts.  Thank you.

Another earthquake just hit.  Here are a few more charities that are helping that can use the spare $20-$30 you have.

Unbelievable. A second big quake, just a little while ago, near Everest.

This is such a catastrophe---Relief workers are still on site. The need is very great in this tiny impovrished country.

Thank you for posting. My brother is there now and experienced this second earthquake and some aftershocks. He works for Save The Children and arrived a week after the first earthquake. Thankfully, he and all the staff in his group are accounted for and okay. Please donate to the organization @calliope mentioned or to Save The Children.

Please say prayers for all involved.  Thanks.

Gabbie, prayers and blessings for your brother.


Thank you, calliope. 

Scott Carrier is doing live podcasts from Nepal.

We're spending billions on war and billions on bribing voters to change their minds for 30secs on one small 'issue' (a minor tax change or whether to fund a sporting body or some rubbish...), here we've just released a federal budget that includes several million dollars for a new Washington building to house our embassy...and here's a country with little that has twice been devastated with such calamity. Thank heaven it's not winter and blowing ice & snow. 

How can the world sit by?

 How can it be the time to play border politics??  I just don't understand people.

Nepal isn't sitting on oil or other natural resources. There are no major corporations that have HQs in Nepal.  The country is small and poor.  We now live in a world in which Humanitarian efforts are not respected because they are not profitable.

Yes, sadly, there is nothing strategically valuable in Nepal to draw global attention from either politicians or corporations.

Gabbie, I'm glad your brother and his colleagues are okay, and am awed by what they are doing.

"I’m very proud of the Save the Children team that has come to help us.
You know it’s dangerous in our village but you come here to work.
We hope you can save all of the children,"-Seema, a woman my brother met in Gatlang, Nepal. Her entire village was destroyed by the earthquake.

Please continue to do whatever you can from here, even if it's just daily prayers.

We are so fortunate to have people like your brother, Gabbie, who will travel to the ends of the earth to help those who badly need it.

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