Lecture and Planning for End of Life Directives

From Robert, Roe, Health Officer Maplewood. This program is open to residents from any town so that is why I did not put it into the Maplewood Specific threads. Please help to spread the word about this great program.

On Wednesday Sept. 30 at 2:00pm at St. George's Church, Sarah O'Connell from the Saint Barnabas Medical Center will present a lecture on End of Life Wishes/ Advance Directives. This information is important to all families as we all will be faced with personal and family decisions concerning end of life care.

Speaking for myself as a member of the sandwich generation with a 94 year old father, I am pleased and relieved that I have had these conversations with my dad. With help we did an Advanced Care Directive, a Medical Proxy directive, a legal Proxy for taking care of his affairs in case he becomes unable to make decisions, and an updated will.

So, I hope that anyone who can attend and needs info on these matters will attend. If there is any question call the Health Dept. at 973-762-8120 x4400.

The program is this Wednesday 9/30, 2:00pm.

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