Laura Nichols' E-Mail Account Hacked

I got a spam message from "Laura Nichols" this morning on my Gmail account asking me how I am. These creeps -- it's like rubbing salt into a wound.

It might just be a robo thing. I got a message in her name to be a Facebook friend a week or two ago.

These things are almost always robots that harvest email addresses and post forged messages with vague text trying to get you to click on a link and give up a password in the process (aka phishing).

If you look at the message carefully, you might find that it didn't come from her real email address.

Tom_Reingold said:
If you look at the message carefully, you might find that it didn't come from her real email address.

I don't even go that far when I get these kinds of messages. They get the "delete" button without me even opening them. It's stinky to get them from other friends, but when that friend is departed, well.......

Well, I'm glad she's apparently enjoying herself: I just got one from her recommending an Oprah thingy.

It was a bit unsettling even though I knew it wasn't real; it was the third bizarre email I've junked this week. All senders deceased. I wonder why the sudden increase and variety of attempts?

And I wonder why my question mark disappeared between typing and posting... Think it's going to be one of those Fridays. Sigh

joanne said:
Well, I'm glad she's apparently enjoying herself: I just got one from her recommending an Oprah thingy.
It was a bit unsettling even though I knew it wasn't real; it was the third bizarre email I've junked this week. All senders deceased. I wonder why the sudden increase and variety of attempts?

And I wonder why my question mark disappeared between typing and posting... Think it's going to be one of those Fridays. Sigh

Maybe God and St. Peter finally got the internet working up in heaven! Seriously though, maybe it's a sign to let everyone know that Laura is OK, settled in and enjoying herself in heaven. Sort of like how some people believe that the deceased will come to you in a dream to let you know they are OK or if you see a penny or a cardinal.

Not too dissimilar, no one in my family has the ability to delete my sister's Facebook account, even though she passed a couple of years ago. It's pretty distressing to see her face pop up in a list of people I should invite to events, etc. I'd love to invite her, Facebook, but she doesn't answer those anymore

ridski said:
Not too dissimilar, no one in my family has the ability to delete my sister's Facebook account, even though she passed a couple of years ago. It's pretty distressing to see her face pop up in a list of people I should invite to events, etc. I'd love to invite her, Facebook, but she doesn't answer those anymore

FYI you can appoint someone as a "Legacy Contact" if you die and they can take control of your account. You can also select to have your account permanently deleted if you die. It's easy to find in Settings under Security.

I have received one or two messages sent to all Laura's Facebook friends through her account there, and it was quite a jolt. Very distressing to see someone you knew talking from beyond by means of social media.

Frankly, I wouldn't put it past Laura to be contacting us from the other side. If anybody could do it, she could.

I get stuff from JTA on and off also.

steel said:
Frankly, I wouldn't put it past Laura to be contacting us from the other side. If anybody could do it, she could.

Well, there is that. I don't think she could stand being out of touch. She's probably going to post any day now about her boobs not being big enough.

I'm going to go out on a limb here and say that was probably corrected five minutes after she got upstairs, handed St. Peter a salad, and barged on through.

ctrzaska said:
I'm going to go out on a limb here and say that was probably corrected five minutes after she got upstairs, handed St. Peter a salad, and barged on through.

If I was St. Peter I would have held out for a bowl of vegetarian chili, too. But maybe he was laughing too hard.

ctrzaska said:
I'm going to go out on a limb here and say that was probably corrected five minutes after she got upstairs, handed St. Peter a salad, and barged on through.

I was thinking along the same lines!

Damn, I miss that girl!

Friends, this is Tom Nichols here, and I have to say I've enjoyed reading this thread! But a little alarmed that you're getting FB messages and emails from her...then again, like most of you've said, she could be communicating with us in this surprising way! Would definitely not be surprised... oh oh

I am going to ask Dan to change her FB password if he can and see if that does any good; we hate to delete the account as it holds so many wonderful pictures, her pithy comments, etc. And he may have her email account password as well...

Tom, Can you ask Tom to check his MOL messages?I sent him one a while ago

Thanks so much




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