We have an HP 2035 and the triangle with the exclamation mark in the middle light is on (yellow) and we cannot get it to print. We tried unplugging and all doors are properly closed. Also tried restarting holding both top buttons for 5 seconds. Anyone have a suggestion or no a store or someone who can help us get it going? TIA.

Have you pulled the ink cartridges yet?  Sometimes pulling them wiping all the contacts clean with a tissue and re-setting them, solves many odd problems.

The what was the last thing you did to it?  Did you down loaded a driver, replace an ink cartridge, re-cable??  Last thing and how long ago?

You might want to go online to the Troubleshooting for that printer, which usually can be linked along with the manual on the HP site.  This has worked for me in the past.

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