kibbegirl said:
We are currently in a COBRA ending in a few months and need to transition. Currently, we have the platinum of healthcare insurance. We would love to keep similar, but because we're not in a massive employee pool, we're finding it difficult to get what we need, and honestly, it's all maddening and confusing. We were kindly given the name of a broker who works with our friends, but they don't have an NJ network. I'm losing my mind and need help making sure we are getting all that we need before COBRA ends. Is anyone in a similar situation or using a broker to assist them with healthcare insurance needs?
unfortunately, the individual insurance plan world is very different than the group/large group world. Groups/large groups get premium plans only available to them. Individual plan options are different. There are options of course, but last time I looked, it was not close to the group plans. It may be time to reevaluate what you really need out of your health plan. Let me find you a name.
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Garage Sale Sale Date: Nov 23, 2024
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We are currently in a COBRA ending in a few months and need to transition. Currently, we have the platinum of healthcare insurance. We would love to keep similar, but because we're not in a massive employee pool, we're finding it difficult to get what we need, and honestly, it's all maddening and confusing. We were kindly given the name of a broker who works with our friends, but they don't have an NJ network. I'm losing my mind and need help making sure we are getting all that we need before COBRA ends. Is anyone in a similar situation or using a broker to assist them with healthcare insurance needs?