Getting rid of plants and dirt

I have a garden bed that is overrun with weeds and plants I don't want there. I'm planning on starting from scratch but need to dig up and dispose of the plant matter and some dirt. How can I get rid of all of this? Is there a place I can dump it? Will someone haul it off? It's too much for the fall collections and they won't take dirt anyway

There would be way too much, we're talking a 50 foot long bed and it's full of weeds I don't want to put back into my garden later.

joan_crystal said:

Can you compost it?

Elizabeth Payne might be able to help you out. She does landscaping and gardening for many folks in the area. Currently she's helping us. Message me for her number. I have no idea what she'd charge for this though.

als4532 said:

I have a garden bed that is overrun with weeds and plants I don't want there. I'm planning on starting from scratch but need to dig up and dispose of the plant matter and some dirt. How can I get rid of all of this? Is there a place I can dump it? Will someone haul it off? It's too much for the fall collections and they won't take dirt anyway

There are many junk removal services available who undretake decluttering of all types of junk. After renovation work of my house , I had lots of concrete debris and old wood left in the yard. This was a year back. I took help of yard waste removal service ontario, junk works who claim to take anything. Usually they charge according to the weight and I am supposing they might help you too. Check how much they charge right now. Also try taking a quote and compare with other services.

If it's just weeds, they should take it with the leaf collection. The dirt you can spread throughout your lawn. With the soil that we have in this town it can only help.

Hey, if anyone needs a bunch of pulled/tilled up sod... Come on over! From what I've read it can be used to produce compost over the winter and it will be ready for spring. I don't have room for it but you might.

It is, however, essentially crabgrass and whatever. I just couldn't get that region of the yard to convert to favored grass so I decided to get some exercise and tear it up. Going to use the next few weeks to get some good grass started.

Not a great time to plant new grass. It needs lots of water and heat to grow well.

Actually, it's fine to do that right now. Check the forecast into December. All it needs is a good start and then it will be ready real growth in the spring.

mrmaplewood said:

Not a great time to plant new grass. It needs lots of water and heat to grow well.

Actually the fall is the best of times to start grass from seed. Done it many times! Just do some googling!

Best Regards,

Ron Carter

The Secret Garden @ 377

I ended up using a junk removal service and paying more than I'd like but what the hell, I got rid of a bunch of garbage along with a lot of the yard waste.

However, I found a concrete block buried in my garden that is too heavy to pull out of the ground by myself. Also, I'm not positive how deep the block goes or how big it is. Any good ideas how to get this thing out? I've been contemplating wrapping a chain around it and attaching the chain to a truck and pulling it out. Help!

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