
Lost us within the first few minutes. Anybody watching it - did it get better?

Watched the whole hour. Actually it was only 45 minutes with the commercials every 10 minutes. Lots of innuendo dopey jokes. Not gonna watch again.

I thought it was pretty funny and was a pretty big risk by ABC to air it. A comedy set in medieval times plus a musical? What?

We watched first 10-15 minutes. Just plain silly.
Not going to watch again.

I thought it had a few very funny moments, and I enjoyed the premise more than the execution. A bit Monty Python-ish at times...I'll probably try it again. I very much liked the idea of a quasi-medieval musical. Costumes and sets were cool!

I just finished half-watching the "making of" special that was on in the afternoon. I got up to wash the dishes about 10 minutes in -- and then deleted the first episode from the DVR. Not my cup of tea.

The opening number was terrible, compounded by ABC using it over and over in all their promos in every commercial spot during the show. I was ready to ditch it after the opening number but persevered and was ultimately won over. It's essentially a Panto, so I liked it. Could be funnier, though. If they do a sequel, I might apply to be a script doctor.

I watched the whole thing. It was...okay. I was hoping for better. I definitely expected more from Alan Mencken. But, I may watch again. I wanted to like it so much. Maybe next Sunday will be better?

ETA: I hated that ABC did that. Stupid song is still stuck in my head...that stupid, stupid song. ;-)

Huh. I was on the fence after watching the commercials. I might have watched it for Ricky Gervais, but eventually said "no." This thread makes me think that was the right choice. Too bad. The idea has potential.

The songs were well done - and the lyrics were pretty clever, but it wasn't campy enough to be full on camp, and it wasn't serious enough to be a musical drama. It's sort of like Monty Python but not as funny, and trying too hard to be funny.

kraines, you're right. My thought was a poor attempt at Mel Brooks but Python works too. The song lyrics were funnier than the dialogue and none of the characters stood out. Tried too hard and failed.

OK, so my husband is recording the series, so I have watched the first two episodes, and howled at the song lyrics. They are a riot. Made me think: Monty Python meets Mel Brooks meets A Knight's Tale meets Princess Bride. They should consider turning it into an opera, with no spoken words at all. smile Bottom line: I'm enjoying it, even if it doesn't deserve any awards.

I am definitely in the "will keep watching it" camp. It's harmless, frivolous, cheeky fun with frequent chuckles and occasional laughs. I watched the "making of" special as well, and it think the rest of the series should be good fun in the bleak and cold months ahead. If anything it will be our post "How to Get Away With Murder" antidote.

I thought the main cast did a good job with predictable material, and I'm enjoying the post-"Psych" Timothy Omundsen. Pretty good voices all around, and the music does crack me up. I've had the theme song running through my head since last night.

My only beef was John Stamos. I'm not sure if it was him, or what he had to work with, but star cameo number one in the series gets a D. Maybe a D+. I'm looking forward to some of the future guest stars, though.

Hah! I like thinking of it as an antidote to "How to get away with murder." oh oh

I also agree about the voices. Very nice singing, thank goodness, and I've also had the theme song going through my head. I've also been doing my own lyrics for real-life situations. It's a little addictive.

I can't wait for Ricky Gervais now. I also agree that Stamos was a letdown, but it could have been the material. He certainly was cheesy enough to fit the role. smile

Based on your heart-felt appeal I change Stamos' grade to a C+. C for Camembert, cheddar and Colby cheeses.

I should grade him higher for being willing to get out there and lampoon his own image as a heartthrob.

He lampoons that image admirably in those yogurt commercials, too. It's becoming his stock in trade.

I thought it was pretty funny. I had no idea what it was. it was just on next. after a few minutes I asked the wife what the heck is this we are watching? I started to pay attention and got into it. I thought it was a riot that many of the commercials were done in song.


remember cop rock? that really sucked.

I LOVED the commercials in song. For some reason, it made even the "Bachelor" commercials bearable. Especially at the end, when the light flashes off his teeth and you hear a "ting" like a nail flicking on a glass. Laughed myself silly.

Another "Downton Abbey/Galavant" cross-over tonight with DA's Daisy appearing as Gwen (a lady's maid, not a kitchen maid!) tonight. I enjoyed her duet with the cook - I'll be sorry to see Galavant end next week - hope it comes back again next season.

I didn't even know we had a Galavant thread. Yay, MOL!

We caught it as a download, so no ads, and so far have watched everything in 2 sittings. A lot of silly fun - and I don't like musicals, generally. It's nice to see the range of voices, and we're really enjoying Timothy Omundsen being funny without being ridiculous. Love Vinnie Jones, but then I loved him since I saw his first aid tutorials.

It all reminds me of Maid Marian and her Merry Men, more than the more traditional 'funny fairy tale' approaches. And I love not having to puzzle over every detail until the following week's explanation/resolution.

Oh, and the cook - how brave is he, for such a hazardous occupation?? And the 'manliness' classes??? And doesn't Princess Isabella remind you a bit of 'Jacques' in a recent Robin Hood series?? And Sid, and his family & village - yeah, stereotyped, but also a bit of a Crusader story hinted at there... What great send-ups of some popular movie themes, to be found in this clever bunch of characters...

(Doesn't the cook remind you of the hapless squirrel in Ice Age?)

I have continuing watching, and I do like it much better now than the first episodes. Not the best show I ever saw, but entertaining.

missed it (football)

Too funny, Meggie... I have been thinking I liked the first episode so much, but the 2nd and 3rd left me feeling let down! I haven't watched #4 yet but am looking forward to it... especially now that I know Downton's Daisy is in it! smile

Did you enjoy Hugh Bonneville's not-actually-on-the-sea Pirate King, Peggy? I didn't know he was in the episode and didn't recognize him at first - loved his song.

And only Weird Al Yankovich could seem to be underplaying in something as over-the-top as Galavant! ;-)

It was OK... I loved it that it was Hugh Bonneville, but the song was just so-so, for me.

Maybe we're enjoying it more because we see all the panto jokes as well as the cartoon jokes and the music theatres jokes?

I was trying to watch the last one tonight, but channel 7 froze on an Optimum commercial, so finally had to turn it off. Glad for Free on Demand!

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