Dog sitter Sentenced to 2 Years Probation, Community Service & Fine in Death of South Orange Dog

Malcolm Boyer’s days of working as a dog walker are over.

Boyer was sentenced to two years probation, 100 hours community service, and a $2,500 fine tonight by South Orange Municipal Court Judge Jonathan Rosenbluth and ordered not to work with dogs, after he plead guilty in the death of a dog he had been charged with sitting this past April.

Boyer, who has been employed by many South Orange and Maplewood families as a dog sitter and walker, was charged with caring for Frankie, a 5-1/2 year old Shepherd mix owned by the Handelman family, this past April...

So glad to hear there have been some consequences for Mr Boyer, particularly ones that keep him out of the dog care business.

susan1014 said:

So glad to hear there have been some consequences for Mr Boyer, particularly ones that keep him out of the dog care business.

Agreed  ---

That is a terrible story.  I am glad he won't be hurting any more dogs. Seems like the Handelman's would have grounds for a pretty good lawsuit.

what happened exactly? Did he previously care for dogs well and have a legitimate business? It doesn’t matter because even if he just snapped, he still deserves the punishment for abandoning those dogs  but I am interested to know what happened

It isn't precisely clear as the defendant didn't testify. Yes, he had sat for dogs and in fact was recommended by neighbors ... or at least they didn't say not to hire him

right, that’s what I’m trying to understand. Pattern or did something happen to him?

oh, how awful. Makes it so much worse.

Saw this online and forwarded immediately to others. I've never heard of him and thankfully, my friends had not either. What a disaster of a man. His sentence sadly does not fit the cruelty he inflected upon this family and their animals.

the guy never came into the house and the poor dog died of starvation.  LOL

Food he would have been able to survive without for 8 days. Water, no.


I hope that he is never allowed to dog sit again. Not sure if the two year probation means that he can engage in this work once this period is finished...I hope not!

We interviewed him when we moved here. He seemed like a nice person.  He had just started his business and did not have a viable backup plan in place for times when he would be unavailable (sick or on vacation).  This is heartbreaking. 

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