Commuter Train Stuck in Hudson River Tunnel

Yesterday afternoon 1,200 commuters were trapped in a train that was disabled in a Hudson River tunnel for more than two hours.  Here are some live tweets from a passenger about the terrifying experience, including videos of the moments when water began leaking from the ceilings of the train cars.

I'd say people are fairly easily "terrified". Inconvenienced, sure but "terrified"?

Sure, as it turned out it was an inconvenience.  Some of us though, get antsy even when the train (or car) goes right through the tunnel.  A long stop, esp. with leaking water, could be pretty unpleasant.

mjc - agree and then some.

again, absolutely pretty unpleasant but were people really "terrified"?

conandrob240 said:

again, absolutely pretty unpleasant but were people really "terrified"?

What would go through my head if I were on that train after about 1 1/2 hours?  There is no cell service. Would there be announcements that explained what was going on and made sense? 

The closest I can recall was when I was in Niagara Falls during the east coast power failure. There was - probably still is, an amusement ride that goes up and down the bank of the Niagara River. When power went out, people were stuck halfway up (or down) and had to be escorted up the river bank on the side of this ride.

After a day, the power was still down and I wondered if I would have enough gas to get back to N.J. I was not panicked but I was worried.

I've been dripped on or had near misses several times.  NJT seems unable to get its air conditioners to drain properly.  I can sympathize with water appearing when stuck under a decrepit tunnel, but asking what was happening should've gotten an explanation.

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