Change to Windows re saving files???

Suddenly in the last day or two, when I go to save a file (usually from a website), I am no longer presented with my entire folder structure, with ability to browse and select any folder I want within my fairly extensive hierarchy. Instead, I'm offered a few most recently used folders only, so the only way to save to my desired folder is to know the exact structure and names of the folder I want to use.

Surely this is a bug and not a feature ... I hope!!

Anyone know?

I'm on Win 7 Ultimate and updates are applied automatically, so I assume that I got some patch or bug fix recently that caused this to start happening.

ETA - It DEFINITELY happens every time I use the dialog within Chrome to print to a PDF file. So, I suppose this could be a Chrome rather than Windows issue (?)

I just stumbled across the answer. I noticed a 'browse' option in the lower left corner and that got me to the view I was used to. I guess I must have toggled it off accidentally at some point recently.

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