Business dress shoes that are easy on your feet

I love my Johnston & Murphy's oxfords--had them for years, add soles and heels every few years, spectacular. But walking around Manhattan for blocks is really starting to hurt. So I switched over to my ever-so-comfortable Bostonian rubber soled slip on, but it's too casual in my opinion.

Anyone have good experience with business-level dress shoes that are easy on the feet? Thanks.

Can you add inserts for better arch support? That might help a lot.

Our household used to swear on the Cole Haan Nike Air line for all our work shoes, but the 2 companies recently ended the partnership.

We haven't been as impressed with Cole Haan's home-grown substitute "GrandOS. technology."

SAS shoes are often worn by diabetics and persons in need of orthopedic shoes. Most styles are on the casual side but some may be formal enough for your needs.

How are shoe spectacular if they hurt to walk in?

grahamb said:
How are shoe spectacular if they hurt to walk in?

Good point. For around the office, they're fine and they still look great after 7 years. And I did put inserts in them which helped. The delta in comfort though between them and my Bostonians is wide--was just hoping there was some shoe that has a beautiful top half and a comfortable bottom. Wow this sounds like my e-Harmony wish list...

I just bought myself some Lotus Sherbourne wingtips with a cushy sole. Great for commuting duty.

I echo Ecco. Their dress shoes feel like wearing sneakers.

My husband has several pairs of these Clarks oxfords and wears them all the time, at work and on weekends:

(I think you can get them cheaper on Amazon but the Zappos link was more user friendly.)

Walking Company at MASH has a good selection of shoes that are easy on the feet. They carry some men's dress styles.

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