Bus or other transit to Prudential Center/Gateway 3 at 100 Mulberry St Newark?

I know there are buses that traverse Springfield Ave that have stops at or close to Pru Center. Has anyone commuted this route? Are there other options? Pros/Cons? Tks!

Use Google Maps, select the bus icon. Bus 25 from Springfield Ave, gets very close. Take an Uber home afterward if late.

Train to Broad Street Station and then walk or take Light Rail.

We live 2 blocks from Springfield Ave, so can walk up to bus. Will check Google Maps. Tks.

Bus to Penn Station (or stop before??) should get you pretty close.

(I know the 25 goes there and I think one other ... my spouse did it for a while after Sandy when the trains weren't running out here.)

I will be starting this commute on Monday 08/03. I plan on driving the first week then will see about taking the bus. Short distance but a lot of lights and construction so will allow plenty of time.

I've taken the 25 bus, most recently for jury duty, and the commute was fine. If you are traveling during what NJT regards as rush hour, you can get express bus service (375) between Maplewood Loop and Penn Station. Travel time is about 30 minutes in decent weather with average traffic conditions. Taking the train to Broad Street Newark and switching for the Light Rail (across the street from the station) could also work.

I used to work on McCarter Hwy. Driving was not a problem

tabby said:
I will be starting this commute on Monday 08/03. I plan on driving the first week then will see about taking the bus. Short distance but a lot of lights and construction so will allow plenty of time.

Not necessarily true.

hauscat said:
I used to work on McCarter Hwy. Driving was not a problem

I agree.

tabby feel free to contact me for various driving options. I too live near Springfield and I always drove to 100 Mulberry Street except when my car was in the shop (and then I took NJ Transit and light rail or the company van to 100 Mulberry St). Easy and inexpensive parking options as well.


And if you don't contact me before Monday, then you should consider taking 78 and getting off the left exit/Elizabeth Ave./Peddie st. and then going up to Market and working your way over to Mulberry from that way. I've done this commute for years in various Newark jobs.

Tks all. Wendy I sent message to you.

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