Are there rules requiring cement curbs as opposed to river rock?

Hi All, 

We barely have any cement curb left.  Was thinking of taking my extensive river rock collection and placing them as a curb. Obviously streets like Oakland have river rock gutters, but I wonder if that’s one of those grandfathered things. I have seen some homes deviate from standard curb and grass to good effect.  So I’d like to give this a try because I think it will look better than a cement curb, be way cheaper, and more durable. 
Thoughts / advice are welcome. 

Best to check with your municipality to determine if river rocks would be acceptable.

When we were living there, iirc, South Orange at least seemed to be replacing concrete curbs with granite? blocks, probably more durable, but hell on tires.  But Joan is right, check with your town.  (your river rocks sound handsome for a curb)

Maplewood code is online. You can choose from concrete or Belgian block.

Thanks for that info. It’s clear cut on what is required from a construction perspective. I wonder though if it’s mandatory to have a curb. Ours disintegrated some time ago along with others on the block. Haven’t been notified that this is a problem that requires correction. 

A curb is necessary to keep the roadway from degrading.  It also helps to reduce flooding if you get a lot of water flowing down your street when it rains.  A call to the town you live in should indicate whether a curb is needed where you live.  In Maplewood, the property owner is responsible for maintaining the curb. 

I was not previously familiar with Maplewood (or anycode for curbs and sidewalks.

Interesting that bluestone slabs are not mentioned under “Minimum Construction Requirements” for sidewalks. Would a new bluestone sidewalk not pass muster in Maplewood?

And note this requirement for new concrete sidewalk construction:

”As soon as possible without marring, the finished sidewalks shall be covered with wet burlap, cotton mats, straw or plastic and kept moist for three days or longer, if directed. As an alternative, where practical, clear membrane seal coats may be used, which at the end of three days will retain the concrete at least 85% of the original mixing water.”

I’ve never seen wet burlap/cotton mat/straw on new concrete sidewalk construction in MapSO.  On very rare occasion plastic - only if rain predicted that night. Never if rain not predicted. I wonder if most contractors are using clear membrane seal coats. Or if they’re using nothing. And IF the latter, if that explains why I see several new construction jobs deteriorate fairly quickly - in contrast to local concrete sidewalks several decades old which remain intact.

Regardless of the written code, the town has replaced curbs on my property in the past, prior to repaving if I recall correctly.  This may have something to do with receiving a grant for the work, I don't know.

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