Amazon Prime issues with access due to VPN

How to fix this without paying for a VPN????

What issue are you having? Are you trying to watch something in another country?

ridski said:

What issue are you having? Are you to watch something in another country?

no.  I just clicked on a show i have been watching and suddenly there is this message about a vpn...

drummerboy said:

What's the message?

"Your device is connected to the nternet using a vpn or proxy service. Please disable it and try again.  go to for help.   I double checked that my country of us is USA.  i have no vpn.

Have you tried rebooting?

rcarter31 said:

drummerboy said:

What's the message?

"Your device is connected to the nternet using a vpn or proxy service. Please disable it and try again.  go to for help.   I double checked that my country of us is USA.  i have no vpn.

It's not an uncommon problem and there doesn't seem to be a clear solution. Best bet is to open a support chat/call with Amazon so they can take a look in real time to see the error.

Also, read through this thread to see what you might be getting into on a support call.

Try with a better VPN.  smile

drummerboy said:

It's not an uncommon problem and there doesn't seem to be a clear solution. Best bet is to open a support chat/call with Amazon so they can take a look in real time to see the error.

Also, read through this thread to see what you might be getting into on a support call.

Thank You!  Will try!

Seems to  have been related to the free week of watchathon.   All is working...

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