Age Discrimination Lawyer?

I was laid off a few weeks ago, after almost 38 years of employment. Never had a bad review in my life.

I think I'd like to sue. Anyone know any good lawyers for the task?

do you have 10s of thousands to start with?  I had a good ADA case....with documents to prove it...but lawyers said it was not profitable enough for them to take on contingency.

look into filing an EEOC complaint...when I had my issue, they said i had to file with them 1st and get turned down to get permission to sue....they faked an investigation....I submitted documents, they took the employers word over the documents...

I've tried NJ DCR a couple the run around both times....this time I requested a reasonable accommodation and was refused...via email...followed up with the offending agency 2x, NJ DCR turned down my case because I didn't follow up.....

David Ben-Ascher in Montclair 

jmitw said:

do you have 10s of thousands to start with?  I had a good ADA case....with documents to prove it...but lawyers said it was not profitable enough for them to take on contingency.

look into filing an EEOC complaint...when I had my issue, they said i had to file with them 1st and get turned down to get permission to sue....they faked an investigation....I submitted documents, they took the employers word over the documents...

I've tried NJ DCR a couple the run around both times....this time I requested a reasonable accommodation and was refused...via email...followed up with the offending agency 2x, NJ DCR turned down my case because I didn't follow up.....

 I would only take it on contingency.

spontaneous said:

David Ben-Ascher in Montclair 


even if EEOC finds in your favor, a study showed half their findings are over turned in you would still need a lawyer at that point.  EEOC has been known to outright fabricate evidence in investigations just to close the case.

I am assuming you have evidence, the employer can come up with any excuse that has nothing to do with discrimination.

unless you have a current contract, NJ is employment at will, meaning employer doesn't need a reason to fire you....the reason just can't be discrimination.

Get your advice from a lawyer. Nobody here has enough info about your case or legal experience to offer advice other than directing you to an experienced well regarded lawyer.

bub said:

Get your advice from a lawyer. Nobody here has enough info about your case or legal experience to offer advice other than directing you to an experienced well regarded lawyer.


Am sorry to hear this. It's Ben-Asher if you do a search (no c). Jonathan Ben-Asher, a relative I think, practices in NY if that's the state where the employer is.

It's not always a matter of "suing," particularly if your employer made lay-off(s) owing to the economic crisis. However, a good attorney can review your settlement and severance and perhaps negotiate something more favorable for you in terms of $.

nobody gave any legal advice on this specific case...i only gave general info on general employment law dealing with the process....

apple44 said:

Am sorry to hear this. It's Ben-Asher if you do a search (no c). Jonathan Ben-Asher, a relative I think, practices in NY if that's the state where the employer is.

It's not always a matter of "suing," particularly if your employer made lay-off(s) owing to the economic crisis. However, a good attorney can review your settlement and severance and perhaps negotiate something more favorable for you in terms of $.

Yeah, I don't think the layoffs were as a result of the pandemic. My recollection is a bit fuzzy, but the little speech my boss read as he fired me basically said that I didn't fit into the company's future plans so my services were no longer required. As far as I know, I was the only one in our department of 50+ who was laid off, though there were apparently 300+ people laid off company wide that week.

And yes, what I hope is that we can just reach a better settlement.

STANV said:

I sent you a PM

 got it. thanks.

what reason was given?  postion elimination? 

bella said:

what reason was given?  postion elimination? 

no, I was the only one in my department to get laid off, and we all essentially have the same position.

My boss read a script to me explaining why I was laid off, but it was very general - basically that I did not fit into the company's future strategy and my services were no longer required. My memory is admittedly a little fuzzy, but that was the gist.

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