...yes I said yes I will Yes.

Happy Bloomsday, all.

[Berke Breathed illustrated the comic strip in my university's daily newspaper for 4 of the 5 years I was there. AMAZINGLY funny and most often R-Rated stuff.....]

I have an original Deathtöngue album. Don't be envious.

Yes, I know they were renamed. They'll always be Deathtöngue to me

Making amends for the thread drift, a 1922 review in The New York Times:


Excerpt: "Since the armistice he has lived in Paris, finishing 'Ulysses,' his magnum opus ..."

Resume thread drift.

Mr. Leopold Bloom ate with relish the inner organs of beast and fowl.

“The heaventree of stars hung with humid nightblue fruit.”

One of my favorite legal maneuvers of all time is when Steve Dallas plea bargained his client, Bill the Cat, into the electric chair.

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