Summer Art Classes at Morris Museum

Event Date: July 18th, 2014 at 9:00am - 5:00pm
Address : 6 Normandy Heights Road
Town : Morristown

Registration is now open for Summer 2014 Studio Art Classes at the Morris Museum! Week-long sessions for children and young teens begin July 7. This summer there will also be 3 once-a-week classes for teens and adults during the day: Intro to Oil Painting, Mixed Drawing, and Representational Drawing. We are also offering a quilting workshop and a jewelry making workshop for adults and older teens on two Saturdays! All classes address the formal elements of fine arts - line, shape, value, color, light and composition – starting with observation and warm-up sketching, and continuing that day\'s focus by working on a more detailed project via drawing, water color, acrylics, charcoal & pastels, paper and collage, or 3-D construction in various materials. Visit our website: and Call Andrea in the Studio Art office with any and all questions, and to register: 973.971.3740.

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