Adult Watercolor Workshop at Work and Play

Event Date: July 22nd, 2015 at 9:30am - 11:30pm
Address : 19 Prospect St., South Orange, NJ
Town : South Orange

Art and camp shouldn\'t just be for the kids! Take a break this summer and enrich yourself artistically with a workshop designed to allow you to explore the art of painting in watercolor. This is an affordable and accessible medium that you can participate in with little investment and you don’t need a studio at home to create in watercolors. We will begin the workshop with some basics about painting in watercolor and each week build on your skills, eventually exploring ways of including collage and mixed media in your watercolors. The entire workshop will focus on creating art in a watercolor pad (similar to a sketchbook that is portable and easy to store). Wednesdays, July 8 - August 5th.

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